Wednesday, April 15, 2009

39 Week Apt

39 weeks and still no Cade! I haven't stopped working yet but plan on making this week my last week. Dr's appt on Monday went well except for the fact I hadn't changed at all, and I'm still only dilated 1 cm. I know I have to just take it one day at a time but that is getting harder and harder. If next Monday comes around and I’m still only dilated 1 cm, then I have to decide about being induced. They will do a sonogram regardless – to make sure he is okay (since my due date is Tues). If I go ahead with the induction, then I will check into the hospital Mon night (4/20). If I don’t induce, then I will wait until that following Monday. I will go back and have another sono. If I’m still the same then I won’t have a choice but to induce. And of course, during all this time, Cade is just going to get bigger and bigger. Lots of things to take into consideration. I can't really do anything about it until I will just keep praying about it and take it one day at a time. Thank you all for your continued love and support!